Month: August 2017

The Crown Jewel Mystery

The Crown Jewel Mystery

This is a 100 page Sherlock Holmes story that focuses on Lucy James. It appears there are a number of books with these two. In this one, they do not know each other. But, we know they will eventually meet. This may even be a prequel. The mystery was decent, but the adventure was very slow. This one did not really stand out from all the other Sherlock stories where he all of a sudden has a young apprentice. However, the attention to detail makes me think that there is potential for this series.

As always, this is a short review for a short book. For more, check out Amazon.

I rate my books as either YES (I will read again) or NO (I will not read again). This gets a rating of NO.


High School Junior Earns $10,000 Selling Autographed Baseballs

Most of my posts will be about short books (under 100 pages), but I “consume” more podcasts than books nowadays. The podcasts also tend to be short so that I can start and finish on my drive to and from work.

I found a great one the other day about baseball. It is also about business. At less than eight minutes, it made my list as one that I wanted to share. Enjoy.

Muse of Fire

Muse of Fire

I was unfamiliar with John Scalzi, but he seems to have quite a few books out there – including several short read books. I was not overly impressed with this one. He has a decent story telling process, but I did not think this plot really ever got going – 28 pages was just not enough. I do think it was promising enough to try another of his books.

As always, this is a short review for a short book. For more, check out Amazon.

I rate my books as either YES (I will read again) or NO (I will not read again). This gets a rating of NO.